Gnucobol Italian Group

GnuCOBOL Italian Group website is online. The decision to create a site about NUCOBOL (formerly Opencobol) came about with the idea of ​​offering a place for the exchange of opinions to those who use, try or are simply interested in the compiler. Here you can find also documents about the TP-COBOL-Debugger (a cobol debugger) and Guicobol (a Gnucobol GUI framework). The site aims to help improve knowledge of language and tools. In this respect, it does not even want to be a “pro” cobol site. The language has been talked about and everything said. It is not our intention to add anything else. Those who do not know cobol can certainly approach it using gnucobol which obviously has no costs of any kind and absolutely dignified performances which, as far as we have been able to ascertain, in some cases they are really interesting and certainly not inferior to those of the commercial alternatives .

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